There comes a time in the life of every human being when they feel the need of living on their own... Of flying solo.
Freedom is something that has always fascinated me and that I cling to as a lifestyle. Living alone brings freedom to new heights... This is as good as it gets in terms of liberation.
However, living on your own has its ups and downs... Here are some of my thoughts after a (short so far) experience on this matter...
It feels kinda lonely sometimes.
(But, hey! Loneliness is underrated.)
Going around naked at home.
(This is totally overrated)
"Did I hear a noise in the toilet?"
"I'm gonna fart, better do it quietly... Oh wait! Who cares?!!"
Having the fridge like this:
Having the fridge like this:
(And not being ashamed of it)
By the way, I've always pictured how Bridget Jones' fridge must've looked like and to me it looked pretty much like this... Damn!
Not sharing the bills.
Not sharing the food!
You are responsible for all the cleaning...
You are the only one who makes a mess... And no one will complain if you don't clean it today!
You find yourself imagining what would you do if someone were to break into your flat... Or how long would it take for someone to notice that you slipped while having a shower and you're bleeding to death.
You're on your own. There's no one to pull your chestnuts out of the fire for you.
Not being judged... "Mmm... Is it ok to put pyjama and drink a bottle of wine at 4pm on a Tuesday? Yes, of course it is ok!!", "Can you spend a whole day watching one episode after another of Six Feet Under without stopping to eat (because of course your fridge is empty and you are too lazy to even order Chinese coz got no cash on you and getting dressed is not even an option) or take a shower?
OF COURSE you can!!!
You wonder if you'll ever be able to incorporate someone else into your busy but perfectly timed life.
You discover how strong you are when it becomes the only available option!
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